A few weeks ago I popped down to London to work with Rob, One Image, and it was so much fun! I was a little early, so we popped into Ann Summers, which is just around the corner (and had a sale, so it's almost illegal to not go in - right?) saw some gorgeous sets of lingerie, one which would have been excellent for what Rob had in mind so the little angel got it! This set is featured in the first couple of images. We were shooting in Rob's studio, which had an abundance of natural light, all of these shots were without studio lights and only using a reflector to fill in the cracks. We also did some videos, which was a lot of fun (despite occasional cringing at my dancing-between-set-ups that were caught on film) as it happens, the running man isn't as classy as i once thought... Hope you enjoy the images!
Tony Read and i have known each other about two years now, and around shooting we also try to have occasional catch ups in Hooters, which is just too much fun. However, a week or so ago we knuckled down and did some work, well to be completely honest i stood there with my iPad internet shopping whilst Tony handled all the rope work...can't say it was an unpleasant two days! This was the first time i have ever done any bondage style work, and i'm pretty damn glad my first shoot was with Tony, who had spent just about half a year preparing for this particular shoot - and came with all the props i could possibly dream of - including miniature skulls...(plastic!!) Here are a bundle of images that we have managed to complete, bearing in mind this was the first time Tony had tied using a real person, he has now deflated the previous model ..which was specifically bought for Shibari related work, apparently - no judging here Mr Read! If you want to try this out, i seriously recommend getting a professional like Tony to work with you, this is not to be attempted without training. Hope you enjoy, feedback greatly appreciated :)
I had the absolute pleasure of working with Craig at Pavilion Studios in Scotland and could tell almost straight away it was going to be a great shoot, could have been something to do with him bringing along my favourite snack... ;) Craig was brand new to photography using models, so i was really pleased to get to share the experience and work together creating wonderful imagery. I don't always blog from every shoot as i don't really have the time, but i really felt like sharing these with you because for a first effort in taking and editing photos i think Craig has a truck load of potential and i certainly hope we get to work together again.
A great team which featured Adam Robertson, Georgie Harris and myself got together for a day full of make up and hair madness! We worked out way through a number of clothed (yes, seriously) sets which i will be sharing in due course, but thought it would only be wrong if i didn't flash a nipple or bum cheek at some point! In which case, Georgie titivated my hair, i grabbed a fur and we were off! Georgie is one of the most talented Make up artists i have worked with, we must have been through over 5 different looks in that day with changes to the hair too - if i recall correctly i spent 90% of this shoot laughing. Adam is always a total pleasure to work with, and i get very excited when an email full of attachments comes in. There is no doubt we'll be working together again! Hope you guys like the pictures :)
This is my 100th post, and what better way to celebrate than with the super news that Julian Holtom and I were recently published in the latest edition of VOLO magazine :) As if this wasn't just the cherry on the cake, we're also the first editorial piece in the magazine featured over EIGHT pages. This is definitely the most excited i have been and i most certainly rushed onto the site to buy a copy. I did a screenshot of one pages with the other pages very small at the bottom for you to all have a sneak peek, i might add that i posted this image onto Facebook and in less than 24 hours it had a complaint *rolls eyes* and I'm suspended for 30 days... If i could have predicted that some spoonface was going to be greatly insulted i would have spent the time creating the smallest possible dot known to mankind to cover up my evident indecency! Unfortunately, this will result in a lot of new friends being removed, and a further (THIRD TIME) deletion of supposed 'friends' However, on a plus i am still on Twitter and it is throwing out my latest work almost daily (wifi dependent) Buy your copy here - http://www.volomagazine.com/v/index.php/issues/28-volo-6